Women's Big festival

Surrey's Big World Cup Warm Up

As part of the Women’s World Cup Celebrations this summer, Surrey FA is excited to be delivering a football festival and educational day

Ahead of the FA’s #LetGirlsPlay Big Football Day on Saturday 22nd July, Surrey FA is hosting our own day to celebrate the female game in Surrey, on Sunday the 16th at Elmbridge Xcel Sports Hub. 

As we look forward to the Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand this Summer, we are excited to invite you to take part in a variety of on and off-field activities with people from all different aspects of the women and girls’ game, as well as those who are looking to participate for the first time. 

The day will feature a Little Lioness Festival for girls aged 5 to 11 and Equal Game Training in the morning, whilst a Women’s Recreational Festival for over 16s and a stepping-over-the-sidelines workshop will make up the afternoon offering. 

Find out more about each section of the day, and how you can sign up to secure your place below. 

Date: Sunday 16th July 
Venue: Elmbridge Xcel Sports Hub, Waterside Drive, Walton-On-Thames KT12 2JP


10:00 – 12:00 – Equal Game Training (Off Pitch)
10:00 – 13:00 – Little Lioness Festival (On pitch)
12:00 – 17:30 – Women’s Recreational Festival (On pitch)
13:00 – 15:00 – Stepping Over The Sidelines Workshop (Off pitch) 

Equal Game Training (10am – 12pm) 

Change starts here. Join us in providing an equal game for all women and girls.

Explore everything you need to know to help grow and develop female football at your club. We want to invite you to the Equal Game workshop to help those of you who wish to start or grow your female provision. This workshop is based on research that has been carried out by talking to football clubs, volunteers, and players up and down the country and will be full of advice and real-life club examples, to support your journey.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Identify existing provisions for women and girls football within your club, and your future vision 
Understand the importance of club Identity and Governance for the provision of an equal game 
Understand effective marketing strategies in support of your provision for an equal game 
Create and maintain a sustainable football provision in support of an equal game


Little Lioness Festival (10am – 1pm) 

The Lionesses' momentous EUROs win in 2022, helped to inspire the next generation of players to dream of becoming a Lioness one day. To celebrate this, we are inviting girls aged 5 - 11 to our 'Little Lionesses' festival where they will play games, get creative and celebrate their love for the Lionesses.


Stepping Over The Sidelines Workshop (1pm – 3pm) 

As the Lionesses depart for Australia and New Zealand in search of World Cup glory, we want to bring football home this summer by growing our network of female coaches and volunteers to inspire the next generation of stars.

What is Stepping over the Sidelines? 

Stepping over the Sidelines is a free, introductory workshop designed to encourage mums, female guardians, helpers, assistants, young leaders, and players to take their first steps into coaching football.  

Delivered face to face, the workshop aims to break down some of the barriers such as, “I have no playing or coaching experience” or “I don’t know the rules” as well as looking at the skills you may already hold which can be transferable to coaching football. 
The practical aspect of the workshop is designed to showcase what coaching looks and feels like on the pitch, ensuring that you leave feeling comfortable and confident to get involved with a session. 

Finally, the workshop gives a flavour of what you could explore next, including our free, online EE Playmaker by England Football course. 

I’m not sure if football coaching is for me, should I attend? 

Yes! There is absolutely no pressure to sign up to a club or take the next step if you don’t want to. Stepping over the Sidelines is simply an introduction to how you can help out in grassroots football; it is completely up to you whether you want to get involved after the workshop. 

Can I bring anyone else along? 

Of course! Please feel free to attend in groups and spread the word with anyone you think may want to find out more about getting involved.


Women’s Rec Festival (12pm – 5.30pm) 

 The aim of the festival is around participation, to engage with new and existing players, build excitement around the tournament and celebrate the Women and Girls game in Surrey. The festival will be a 7-a-side round-robin format and focus on participation rather than winners. If you are a new player or don’t have a team but would still like to take part, please follow the sign up link below where you will find an expression of interest form. 


If you would like more information about any of the events or the day as a whole please contact Emma.Eaton@SurreyFA.com